Monday, June 23, 2008

window of escape

The window is symbol for the fact that I always found myself looking through the window, wishing I was somewhere else”A few days back I was meticulously googling for a nice tattoo idea. It was a silly, crazy, fun phase which is over now (leaving a deep red scar that looks like a star)
Anyway, while doing that I came across this thought. Angelina Jolie got a tattoo of a blue window, because she always wished to be somewhere else.
Going by that logic, maybe I should get a barn door done coz I feel the same way most of the time.
In my case however I am not looking through the window, I’ve already gone past it to unspoken mysterious lands. Maybe it’s about striking the right balance between day dreaming and practicality. Or maybe it’s about being content in the place you are in. that’s a lot of maybe without a concrete answer.
I’ve tried finding one; a lot of free time gives you the privilege to do that. Finding answers to questions that are hypothetical and that demand a lot of philosophical thought to it.
Why does one always feel like running away?
1. Because it’s not running away it’s the inner voice urging you on to achieve your goals. This idea sounds good coming from Robin Sharma or Deepak chopra, but is not true in most cases.
2. you’ve your inner battle on, when you know you ought to be at a different location but the deep values ingrained by the society makes you stick to the sticky marshland you are at. And then when you finally realize that you have to break free, you are like the elephant that is used to the chain of childhood, and can’t unshackle the thin rope that ties it down.
3. Finally, it’s just you. The sooner you accept it the better. You have just two choices: either achieve all that you desire and stay put. Or the race continues.
Angelina got the tattoo covered, coz she now feels she likes the place she is at. Obviously she married Brad Pitt. (Not that I am a fan.)
I have a long list to cover before I get the barn door replaced by rock solid wall…stuff dreams are made of.
But then, whether it’s writing crappy blogs or solving FEA matrices, it’s all loneliness we all are stuck with. And the only way to deal with it is to look through the window/barn door/looking glass and find a whole new world like Alice with amazing characters. You get to be the queen at last.

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