Thursday, April 24, 2008

Things which are not meant to last

"There are some things that are nothing more than what they are, they're not meant to last
They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time
This was the quote i heard from Alex and Emma (A Luke Wilson, Kate Hudson starer.. which is extremely forgettable and cute, if it can be both the same time.) and it again set my vella brain thinking ...Thinking about the truth in the sentence.And then i thought that there are so many things which we consider important in our lives when they really aren't.
So i can either write another list to give an sequential order to such things which i may laugh upon few years down the line or am laughing upon now..Or else i can just scrap the whole process because its another thing thats not meant to last. But i do enjoy the list writing process.
So where does this start.."Things which are not meant to last"
1. JOB- thats great. the first thing that comes to my mind when i start this is my job.. but think of it. its the most important thing in my life rgt now(except for some other things..which will constitute the next list..thats for another day btw). lets face it.. job- not meant to last but is helping me pay my internet+phone+shopping+impulsive shopping+vacations bills and also making me smarter(is it??? another distraction from the main topic of discussion.."IS IT MAKING ME SMARTER?"- well, if u call sitting in front of computer with ear plugs playing latest TASHAN songs, trying to mesh a component u have no idea of, using a software which is even more alien smart..then sure..).So, point is my job not going to last.. its just a monthly income which is welcome for sure.


Now I'm on crossroads..i can either try making the list funny or get on a more serious note... lets take the path less traveled..

3. FRIENDS: one thing I've learn t coming in the corporate world is that friends dont exist here, and any1 who thinks they do, needs a reality check. or else needs to redefine the way he defines the word friends. i had great friends in college. after that i just made some few acquaintances. I don't know what does it to it money or status(so-called if i may add) or just the wish to make a mark or show off. But majority of ppl u see in this world are hidden..dont actually see them.. wat u can see is a frightened, burdened soul hidden behind a beautiful mask.( I agree that some1 may have the same perspective for me... but i do belong to this world)

4.IMPRESSIONS: this is related to point 3 above..another thing I've noticed is that impressions dont last. I can quite prove the old saying"FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION" wrong, because it isn't. I've seen it shattering all around me.The moment you see some1 and you make a mental sketch of the person he/she is..which he isn't(remember we are still talking about the ppl we cant see, the frightened, burdened souls). but it sure does waste a lot of time, the whole process of realizing that he/she isn't the one you think and theres a lot of depth to that person( or in some cases shallowness). My point is the one which every induction pro gramme in every MNC say but none follows, "the BE YOURSELF" theory. why is it so necessary to make false impressions. what are we afraid of really? my research says its the fear of not fitting in.. but guess a lion doesn't need to fit in a herd of sheep.(enough gyan..)

Coming to the second line of the quote.. "they just take a place in your heart...."

5.Thinking of the things that occupy the bytes maybe gigabytes in the heart( such a wastage..these things need to be SHIFT+DELETE..some1 once said about having a pure heart).. seriously,why do some things tug the heart so strongly once and then few years later its just a dull hum mm..when u think of it..example can be a high school crush which was all so important then and now maybe you are high on the ladder of success and that one person is idea( this thought inspired from "13 going on 30" jennifer's high school crush ends up being a taxi driver.)

I think thats the most i can think of things that don't last.. bottom line, whenever u face a situation when u think the world is falling apart..just fast forward your life and think will it matter then? better said then done but worth a try...


ANX said...

likha to hai kuch implement bhi kiya kya...;-)

Sam said...

very philosophical...

miyu said...

wwwwooohhh.. what a writing... you are thinking too much now a days !!!
liked the last paragraph... that says some positive points :)..
good one :)

Unknown said...

thanks a lot meenal..guess you r the only one who reads watever crap i write